Story When the entire school year ends and everyone graduated,Maddie comes to visit but then the S.S Tipton ran The outfit Zack wears the outfit Marcus wearsout of gas because of a machine called 'The earth swipper 3000' The outfit cody wears the outfit maddie wears the outfit woody wears The outfit Bailey wears the outfit London wears Levels Level 1:The icing on the cake Characters:Zack and Cody Plot:Zack and Cody ran out of fruits and towels so they need to go to to main storage which is like a maze. Level 2:The Jungle Character:London Plot: Zack, Cody,, Woody, Bailey, and Marcus get lost in the jungle and London is the only one to save them. Level 3:Parrot Island Rescue Characters: Maddie, Cody, and Bailey Plot: Find London and rescue her from Parrot Island Level 3:It's all Just Greek to Me Charcters:Cody and Bailey Plot:Stop the robbers from stealing Greek artifacts. Level 4:Trash Mash Characters:Cody and Maddie Plot:Get all the trash that is scattered all over the S.S.