ULUMUL QUR’AN (Kajian Sejarah dan Perkembangannya) Oleh: Abd.Gani Isa Dosen Fak.Syari’ah dan Ekonomi Islam IAIN Ar-Raniry Abstrak In Quran tradition, Tafsir and Ilmu Tafsir are two forms of scientific tradition that specifically examine the Qur'an.Tafsir studied about the meaning of the verses of the Quran, while the tafsir or Ushul al-Tafsir (Ulum al-Qur'an) was a set of theories and rules to understand the Qur'an. Various books on tafsir and ilmu tafsir can be found in developed the sciences of the Qur'an (ulum al-Quran). There is also various approach and methodology in interpreting the Qur'an, like Tafsir al-ma'tsur, Tafsir bi al-ra'yi, tahlīli method, ijmāli, muqāran and maudhu ' I, also linguistic approach and philosophy of language. This paper will explore a number of works in the field of the Quran sciences (Ulum al-Qur'an), as well as observe a tendency of writing in each works, and its development up to the present. Keywords; Ulum al-Qur'an, Understanding, and Urgency A. PENDAHULUAN Al-Qur’an adalah kalam dan wahyu Allah (QS. Asy-Syu’ara:2), kitab suci bagi umat Islam, tidak ada keraguan di dalamnya (QS.Al-Baqarah:2).